Despite destruction, misery and privations… The Polish army in Prussia during the war against Sweden 1626-1629 : Michał Paradowski

Despite destruction, misery and privations… The Polish army in Prussia during the war against Sweden 1626-1629 : Michał Paradowski

Opis książki historycznej Michała Paradowskiego pt. Despite destruction, misery and privations… The Polish army in Prussia during the war against Sweden 1626-1629 : Before he entered Germany in 1630, Swedish King Gustav II Adolf had to face Polish army in Prussia. Between 1626 and 1629, under command of brilliant Hetman Stanisław Koniecpolski, the Poles were engaged in a bitter struggle against Swedes. During this conflict both sides learnt a lot from each other, adjusting their armies’ organisation and tactics. While pitched battles, where winged hussars could win the day, were rare, the so called ‘small war’ made a huge impact on the events of this conflict. Poles were able to hone their skills acquired during the years of fighting Tatars and Turks, but were also forced to vastly increase presence of the infantry in their army, adapting to a new style of warfare.  This book provides readers with an in-depth study of the Polish troops during the war, from the unique structure of the army, through the organisation and equipment of the units, to the soldiers’ daily struggle due to lack of pay and food. Each formation is described in detail, from famous winged hussars to Western European mercenaries serving as infantry and dragoons. The author’s research is based on many Polish primary sources, that are available to English-speaking readers for the first time.

„If you already possess an early Thirty Years’ War Swedish army this book offers you an alternative, unfamiliar campaign and opponent to fight, and is also an excellent source of information for anyone considering an early seventeenth century Polish wargame army.” Miniature Wargames

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